
Find your place to serve and be a beacon of hope and love in our community

Whether it’s volunteering in local outreach programs, supporting those in need, or contributing your unique talents to our church family, there are numerous ways to serve and make a positive impact. Join us in spreading the message of compassion, kindness, and service to others – together, we can make a meaningful difference.

Communications Team

Using our creativity and technical skills to actively participate in digital discipleship,

Communications Team

Using our creativity and technical skills to actively participate in digital discipleship,

Connections Team

Enhancing an environment for people to experience a connection to God and community.

Kids Team

Equipping every family to be healthy; every kid a lifelong disciple of Christ.

Facilities Team

Maintaining God’s house for a platform to succeed through passionate servanthood.

Tech Team

Leading and enhancing elements in services through audio and visual.